laying sod
chris ed – posted 27 October 2009 21:02
Baseball just finished here and they want us to do some sod work on the fields but I think the temp is to cold here to lay bermuda. Temps are down in the 40s-50s at night and 60s-70s during the day. We have allready had 2 frosts and bermuda is going dormint fast. Any help would be appreciated.
GSU Eagle – posted 29 October 2009 14:00
Many persons lay sod in my area ( Atlanta) in the winter if the rest of the landscaping work is done on a new house, so I guess you can do it.Somehow you’ll have to keep people off of the turf as the roots won’t take hold in the ground until next spring. Let us know how it turns out.
dhutch469 – posted 12 January 2010 13:40
hello there. how did it turn out? im wanting to take up ome baselines i let grow up and place it in some bad areas. thanks.
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