is my bermuda dead
wildboys – posted 04 April 2004 14:05
I had some bermuda soil laid down last year it was around september i think the sod never rooted to the ground i think the temperature never got warm enough outside.If i put alot of water on the sod will it take root and grow or is it dead.I live in arkansas. thanks.
ted – posted 04 April 2004 16:27
definitely the wrong time of year to be sodding a warm season grass. give it some more time, then you may have to resod.
redbird – posted 05 April 2004 07:38
I agree w/Ted – bad time to have put the sod down. No time for it to really root well before dormancy, not enough water over the winter & the roots dry out & die, too much water and fuyngus runs amok.
But, now that you have it laid, I can say that I have always been amazed by the resiliency of bermuda. Give it another 4 – 6 weeks and I would bet money that you will have grass. Anbother tip about bermuda – if you have bare patches, if you want it to spread – just mow the heck out of it. If you can bring yourself to mow it twice a week during the first season, you will be amazed at it’s thick, horizontal growth.
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