Is it Bermuda grass?
Guest – posted 27 February 2004 11:51
Is it bermuda grass? How can I tell if the now dormant grass in my yard is bermuda grass? I want to get rid of it because of how it looks dead outside of the summer time. I have been researching and it looks like Ornamec might do the trick – if it is in fact Bermuda.
In VA, I have heard it referred to as wire grass. People say how you cannot get rid of it. If you have been to this area, you probably know the grass that I am talking about, it is brown/yellow outside of the warm months.
I know posting a picture would be best, but I don’t have one right now.
frenchman – posted 27 February 2004 21:55
Why don’t you just overseed it in the fall and you’ll have a beautiful green lawn all winter long.
dm – posted 10 March 2004 07:05
Most likely is bermuda grass.
However you cannot kill it until it comes out of dormancy. You could spray roundup now and nothing would happen.
When the lawn is 100% green, apply a herbicide such as roundup if you want it completely gone.
When you do the killing depends on what type of grass you intend to re-establish. Warm season versus cool season, etc.
ted – posted 10 March 2004 15:16
good advice if it’s bermuda- you would want to kill it in early fall then reseed fescue in it’s place. if you don’t kill it out first it will return. make sure you dethatch the dead grass that you’re seeding into first!
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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