Image and Timing
mrwizard93 – posted 21 November 2006 10:01
What is the best time of year and time of day to spray “Image” to control crab grass and other unwanted weeds. What should i keep in mind when spraying? Should i really soak the grass with the sprayer? Should i water the grass after spraying? How often should i spray? I am about to test it out on a section of of my lawn but i keep hearing differing stories about how to do it, when to do it, and even if at all. Is there anything else worth spraying.
I live in Miami, Florida by the way and I have st augustine grass that is under attack by a multitude of different weeds in different areas.
Also would my grass go into dormancy if i keep watering it during the winter. I was wondering if i kept watering it during winter would it give it a chance to catch up before the summer gets here and teh weeds start attacking again. They drove me nuts this summer and i was on my hands a knees in a losing battle.
Thank you all.CB
hankhill – posted 21 November 2006 17:10
I wouldn’t use it on semi-dormant St. Augustine. Your SA needs to be growingwell to avoid permanent injury from Image.
As for crabgrass, just put down a pre-emergent before March. Crabgrass is annualand has to come from seed each year.
Image is normally used to kill nutsedge(perennial) or post-emergent crabgrass.
There was some guy posting about to use Image with less injury to the turf–maybeyou can find the article. I think he was suggesting a way to avoid getting much onthe leaves. (Image acts through the roots.)
[This message has been edited by hankhill (edited 21 November 2006).]
chap914 – posted 20 December 2006 22:13
I have some of the same questions about Image. I live in the Naples area and have a St Augustine lawn. The shady part which was resodded with Floritran (sic) is thick with little or no weeds or crabgrass. The areas in the sun are thin to average, with a fair amount of crabgrass and other weeds. Some areas in addition to being very thin have an abundance of what I would describe as thatch.I believe that part of the problem is that the lawn service insists on mowing at 1 1/2″ scalping the grass.I’ve read that Image will control (does that mean kill) crabgrass as well as other weeds. I wonder if I should apply it now to the non-Floritan St Augustine and wait the 8-12 weeks before resodding or plugging the bad areas or apply the Image now and resod or plug later. Will a pre-emergent be of more help and if so what brand would be best (I hear Halts is worthless).Any help would be greatly appreciated.
chap914 – posted 21 December 2006 08:06
I asked some of the questions to the people who make Image. Their response is as follows:Image-Kills Nutsedge CANNOT be applied to St. Augustinegrass at thistime. It can only be applied when the grass is actively growing orinjury to the grass may result. If Image is applied during the growingseason you would need to wait a minimum of 6 weeks after applicationbefore seeding, sodding, or plugging. If new sod is installed you wouldneed to wait until the grass is thoroughly established/rooted in beforeapplying Image.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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