How to plant a patch of St Augistine sod
rae – posted 16 April 2004 14:30
We are new to this area and we recently took out a tree in our front yard. I have never plant sod before. I would assume since there is surronding grass, that the sod should level with the lawn once it is laid down. Do I “pack” the dirt in the area where I am going to lay the sod so it doesn’t settle on its own? The area is only about 7’x6′ but it is right in the middle of my lawn. I wouls appreciate and help with this…Thanks
E.E. Green – posted 24 April 2004 02:26
Since St A. creeps along the ground and since itshoots its roots downward, I’d say to pack the ground you are filling in to the same consistancy as the ground around it and be sure you let it settle and water it down.We ground out an oak stump and it has taken years for the soil to settle and then it had a depresson. Oak tree was about 3 feet in diameter.
certified-in-florida – posted 01 May 2004 19:10
Hello Rae,
If the area is relatively small, I would suggest using plugs. These are placed into the soil sort of like if you were to plant a bulb. That way, you don’t have to “dig” the soil level down or pack it. Just put your plugs in and make sure they receive adequate water for about 2 weeks. It is important during that time that they don’t dry out. After the first two weeks, just go with a normal schedule of watering (generally 3/4″ twice per week will be suffecient). After the 2 weeks, I would apply a round of fertilizer according to the label on the fertilizer bag.
One note: during the 2 weeks, if you need to apply extra water to the plugs, don’t apply it to the rest of the lawn, just the plugs.
Good luck.
certified-in-florida – posted 01 May 2004 19:13
One thing i failed to mention is the spacing of the plugs. Most people will place them at 12 to 18 inches on center. Let your pocketbook be your guide. If the funds are there, and you want the are to fill faster, place them closer. The closer together, the faster they will fill in (and the more it costs). You can purchase plugs at most hardware and garden stores.
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