Help with yellow grass!!!!

Yellow in Phoenix – posted 15 June 2005 23:09

Hi I’m new to the forums and to having a house. So I hope I don’t ask any silly question on here so here goes. I just bought a house and the front yard is ok little yellow spots where the weeds died. I would like to know what should i use to get the grass back to being green? I also found a big bag of Ammonium Sulfate in the back yard should i use this on the yard? I don’t know what kind of grass it is how can i find it out? Thanks I hope I have not asked any stupied questions here. I will seat back and read what you have to say. Courtney

cohiba – posted 17 June 2005 06:56


There are no stupid questions just stupid answerers. Just kidding. If this is your first home, and lawn, maybe just sitting back and reading up on turf is the answer for the long haul.

This season I would contact three Professionals. Make appointments to see each guy/gal over three days so they don’t know your talking to other guys. Tell them you are thinking of hiring a lawn service. Talk to each of them about YOUR lawn in YOUR yard. Pick their brains for info. What type turf, any fertilization ideas, mowing schedule, thatch, insect, or disease problems they might notice, etc. Then, hire one of the Professionals.Not the cheapest but hire the better communicator, he will be worth his weight in gold. See what he does for a season. Ask questions. Then decide whether or not you want to try.

Next, have a soil test done to see what is going on with the soil. Your local Cooperative Extension will be able to help. Look in the phone book under government listings (state or county). When you get the results, post them so we can all see what you have under the turf.

Other great resources are neighbors, (great ice breaker)and libraries, book stores ect. Be careful with the advise on the web. There is no silver bullet to lawn care. It requires management strategies to be most effective.

Good Luck and HAVE FUN!!!……………

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