Help – Torpedo Grass
jk1nole – posted 25 March 2002 12:55
I need help in Orlando, FL. I just moved into a new construction home. I have torpedo grass. I have had it since day 1(mid November) but didn’t know what it was until a couple months ago. I have asked landscapers, Home Depot Reps, College Horticulture porfessors and everyone tells me conflicting stuff. I have tried using Roundup on areas and then resodding, but the roots are so deep and the stuff spreads so fast that I see it all over my lawn now here and there. Someone else told me I could use a product called “Drive” or maybe “Fusulade” but I am afraid of killing my Bahia grass. I am ready to give up and accept an ugly lawn. Can anyone help????? Also, does anyone know if the builder should be responsible. They would not accept responsibility.
[This message has been edited by jk1nole (edited 25 March 2002).]
Gevans – posted 09 May 2002 15:46
Bad news dude. I have been fighting this stuff for the past 8 years in my St. Augustine lawn. It is taking over in south Louisiana. Rumors here are that it was developed to hold canal banks together. I used Roundup to kill everything down to the bare soil, rented a tiller to dig up the roots, used Roundup a few more times, then resodded. Ive been successful everywhere, except where my neighbor’s lawn abuts mine. The problem is that this stuff will travel under footings, sidewalks etc. about 12-18 inches below the surface. Periodocally, I have to dig up small patches of this stuff all the way down to the roots to get it out( I can spot it from several yards away now!) I’ve been told that a product called “Post” will work with torpedograss infesting centipede, but I dont know about any others. My neighbors have all given up, and if you keep it mowed short, it doesnt really look that bad. But, then you have to fight it in your gardens. Sorry
pas510 – posted 15 June 2004 17:32
I have an infestation of torpedo grass in my garden! I contacted the Extension Service for my state & was advised to use Fusilade, Vantage or Poast. I was told the Poast would more than likely kill any annuals I planted; therefore, I would be better off using one of the others. I went to a feed & seed store to look for the Fusilade or Vantage & the gentleman there convinced me to use a product called “Image” even though he had the Vantage. He seemed to be quite knowledgeable. He said he even went so far as to take a needle and insert it into the stem in order to get the weed killer into the root. It didn’t work. He suggested I use the Image every 2 to 3 months. The label on the bottle indicates that it is safe to use on Bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, Zoysiagrass & selected ornamentals.
Alex_in_FL – posted 19 June 2004 06:31
Image is absorbed by the root. Therefore no surprise that injecting image into the stem failed.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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