HELP!! -Just discovered my bare dirt (pre-sod) was planted w/bermuda grass
redbird – posted 07 April 2003 06:48
I have a bare lawn (new construction) in coastal SE GA that I ws getting ready to sod with Empire Zoysia. I put in a well/sprinkler system and I just discovered that when my contractor put down seed to hold the dirt, he had a mix of common bermuda in the annual ryegrass (it’s just now warm enough for the bermuda to come up everywhere). What should I do? Is it possible to get rid of this stuff completely? What is a good plan to fix this before I lay sod? Should this mess affect my sod choice? Please help.Mike
ted – posted 07 April 2003 17:23
that’s an easy one. just wait until the bermuda is up 2-3 inches then roundup the whole thing. then you can lay in your zoysia. make sure you get the 46% roundup. if your lawn is too big call a lawn care company. it will work!
redbird – posted 09 April 2003 07:46
Thanks,My home building contractor is stating that the grass my lawn treatment guy is seeing is actually a mix of annual rye/centipede/argentine bahia – not common bermuda. My response is that it doesn’t matter – I can’t put down Empire Zoysia sod over it without risking a mish-mash of grasses groiwing at different heights/greening & browning at different times. My contractor says he is waiting to hear from the Camden, GA county extension to see if it is really an issue or not – it’s all a big pain. Anyway, thanks.
ted – posted 09 April 2003 10:42
i’m not really following the game plan. just go ahead and have your lawn treatment guy roundup the unwanted grasses, then you can remove the old grass (if needed) and re sod your lawn. you would have to do this no matter what grass you were putting down.
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