
Grass for Dogs and Shade

Grass for Dogs and Shade

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12MuddyPaws – posted 06 March 2005 10:42

I need advice on grass for my backyard. I live in Des Moines, Iowa. I have lived in my house for 6 years. Before that I had always lived in apartments and I am still learning about lawn care, etc. The grass in my front yard is OK, but the backyard is a problem. When we moved in there was not much grass in the backyard and what was there had lots of weeds. I planted seed and grew enough grass to atleast cover the bare spots though it wasn’t great. The backyard is relatively small with 4 large trees so it is quite shaded. Three of the trees are walnut, and drop a ton of walnuts and I’m wondering if that contributes to the problem also? We have 2 medium and 1 large-sized dog who play and run in the yard about 1 hour a day. Up until now, the only evidence of the dogs was one worn path that they run down frequently. The snow has melted this year to reveal almost nothing but dirt, and what grass is there is yellow while my neighbors yards and my front yard are turning green. Is there any hope? Should I try growing grass in my backyard? What type of grass would be best for shade and doggie traffic in Iowa? If I do try growing grass when is the best time to plant in the Midwest and how long will I need to keep the dogs off it? At this point, I’m not at all concerned about it looking great I just would like some ground cover to look kind of OK and so that everytime it rains I’m not having to give 3 dogs baths because the yard is all mud! Thanks!

Emily – posted 19 March 2005 06:39

I’m going to try planting hay this spring. I got the advise from some friends who live in the country and have dogs. I don’t know if it will work or not. Someone else told my rye, but that idea got shot down by another friend. Like I said, I don’t know if it will work. All I want is some green in my yard. I don’t care what it is. My friend has that for her lawn and other than feeling a little course on your feet, it looks like grass.

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