doctorcilantro – posted 24 July 2008 11:39
Hi all –
We had our backyard lanscaped and SA was put down. It’s not a huge amount, maybe 20×15, so I thought it would be really easy to manage. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Location: Tampa
Installation: March? – conditions in the following months prior to the onslaught of Summer were little rain and not very hot. Grass was lush and dark green.
Summer: The grass is now getting constant rain. It’s been really wet here this Summer. First sign of trouble was some wilting; I did some reading and realized I should be watering more. Then , as I said, the rains really started coming down here. I observed some spots that had died (thatchy), and also the “hot oil” issue a few times.
In the last month, after I cut the grass, the growth is not uniform. I have light green patches and thinning. Brown patch is starting now and all the grass is mottled with brown spots. I’m guessing I have fungus problem based on some reading here. But I have to check for grubs; I think I saw one the other day when weeding near the edge of the SA.
Pics tonight. My lawn is looking pretty bad; I’m a young, busy father trying to finish school, be a dad, and save my lawn. I thought it was cinch bugs so I put down some Scotts cinch and turfbuilder a few weeks ago. since then the browning and mottled blades have gotten worse (due to fertilizer)?
I’ll keep reading here but if anyone has some solid ideas about treatment (although maybe it’s too far gone), I’m grateful!
doctorcilantro – posted 24 July 2008 12:10
Seems like Grey Leaf Spot may be my main concern at this point after looking here:
lawnguy007 – posted 18 August 2008 13:38
sound like take all root rot. never put nitrogen on a suspected fungal problem.if it TARR dry the turf out the best as possible.
Granloy – posted 30 August 2008 07:10
I use corn meal at the first sign of brown patch and it works great as long as the rain holds off.
doctorcilantro – posted 30 August 2008 08:41
Thanks all. I’m out of town. Things seems a bit better. I figure if I had Take All, I’d have no lawn left. When I return to Tampa….pictures.
landscapelifer – posted 30 August 2008 15:25
Yes, I go with the Pythium (Take all root rot). Roots submerged in moisture for extended period, add a little heat and hummidity. Has been unusual but have also seen Brown Patch Fungus early (cen Fla) and has been more than the usual amount of Grey Leaf Spot (one of the few diseases you’d ever WANT to put nitrogen on). Tough summer. Didn’t mention, but did you use a shade tolerant variey, such as seville. A big trade off for shade performance is that is suseptible to diseases. At any rate, given your hectic schedule…spray 2x per week with a daconil-type fungicide. Don’t irrigate unless wilting (from drought/not rot). mow regular to permit maximum air circulation and plug (hopefully minimal) damage when area stops growing for 2 weeks consistent.
Mr. Green posted 29 March 2009 06:36
Our entire neighborhood has had problems with brown patch over the past few years. I have tried various fungicides and found one that stands out above the rest. It’s organic and made from garlic (stinks too). My neighbors have been resistant to trying it because of the price and probably the smell. It works incredible well though.
My yard now stands out as the best in the neighborhood. Whenever I see neighbors outside I yell out, “look at mine…it’s the Greenest of the Green!” You gotta have a little fun in life.
Garlic GP is available at
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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