JamesT – posted 09 March 2005 13:24
My yard is pretty much a mix of Bermuda/Centipede/Every weed known to man (?)
Is there any weed control products that are safe for both bermuda & centipede?
I am not sure what all weeds I have.There are several different ones, One of which stayed green all winter here in Louisiana. It doesn’t cover much area, just one plant here & another there.
turfman – posted 10 March 2005 14:49
actually, if you know how to spot spray………then only a tiny piece of grass dies, but with the invasive nature of the grasses you have it will soon be grown over. also try a weed and feed 3 times a year, and a pre emergent 2 times when the season begins.
JamesT – posted 11 March 2005 06:18
Thanks Turf…I put down a 2,4-D Scotts weed & feed yesterday. Hopefully that will help a little.I also have some Round-up pro, I may try the spot spraying you suggested also.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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