Category: Bermudagrass

Bermuda Grass Herbicide

Bermuda Grass Herbicide

MENGLMAN – posted 23 July 2007 18:56 Has anyone tried using the new Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control for Lawns (Ready-To-Spray)? I would also like to know if anyone has had any luck with Ornamec...

Need help with Fertilizer and planting seed.

Need help with Fertilizer and planting seed.

joshua5438 – posted 25 July 2007 08:52 I need to apply some fertilizer to my lawn in the next few weeks. This is what I plan to apply – – If I apply...

Rebuiding a baseball infield

Rebuiding a baseball infield

Yankee23 – posted 13 July 2007 13:42 I am having an irrigation system put on our baseball field. I want to replace the old turf with a new one. Would you recommend bermuda, either...

Leveling yard

Leveling yard

4ofus – posted 15 July 2007 09:57 I bought my house first of the year they laid Bermuda sod in the front. When i mow I get a lot of brown spots in the...

Turfgrass improvement

Turfgrass improvement

bblomquist – posted 10 July 2007 14:09 I own / operate a large memorial park in Atanta, Ga, I have a mixed bag of grasses throughout the property. I have implemented, what I feel...

Bermuda grass in Fescue.

Bermuda grass in Fescue.

tedean – posted 09 May 2011 11:07 I have a Bermuda grass issue.I used Ornamec and it killed everything.Maybe sprayed to heavy..I have roto-tilled area and raked out old grass.I still see some green...

Tifway vs Tifway II

Tifway vs Tifway II

sd_lawn – posted 09 May 2011 23:52 Does anyone here have knowledge on Tifway II? According to a local sod farm, Tifway II is an improved variant of Tifway. Interestingly, only one sod farm...