Bermuda grass in Fescue.
tedean – posted 09 May 2011 11:07
I have a Bermuda grass issue.I used Ornamec and it killed everything.Maybe sprayed to heavy..I have roto-tilled area and raked out old grass.I still see some green Bermuda Stolons here and there.Question? Should I use round-up to kill any residual Bermuda and wait 3 weeks to lay Sod?I know I will never get it all on first try, but watering grass in Summer is difficult also. Please help. Tom
ken4255 – posted 05 August 2011 12:58
It’s sort of difficult to tell what you are asking from your post. Maybe that is why no one has replied yet. But, if you are saying you want to kill bermuda without killing fescue, try spraying Ortho Poison Ivy Killer on it. (triclopyr)
a012210 – posted 06 September 2011 13:57
what if you want to kill fescue without killing bermuda?
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