When to harvest bermuda seeds???
hammer – posted 08 July 2009 13:20 I have a large area that I’m letting the common Bermuda go to seed on. However I want to harvest the seed and store them myself but...
hammer – posted 08 July 2009 13:20 I have a large area that I’m letting the common Bermuda go to seed on. However I want to harvest the seed and store them myself but...
DavidC011 – posted 18 July 2009 09:57 Hey people i made the mistake of getting 2 kinds of bermuda sod (Celebration and common)I love how firm and thick the celbration is andi was wondering...
smartin – posted 24 June 2009 13:06 Looking for information and the correct spelling to a “coccolia?” invading grass in my bermuda lawn. tommy – posted 24 June 2009 21:37 Can you post a...
Tom Davis – posted 28 June 2009 15:34 Built new Dallas/Ft Worth area home in 2005. Lawn is Bermuda #419 TIFF turf (According to builder). Each summer grass has ugly brown patches and burned...
hammer – posted 03 July 2009 16:51 I’m in zone 7b, I have a half acre plot that I’m going to plant some type of grass on. However I’m simply doing this for experiment...
rboschee – posted 09 May 2009 08:12 I recently purchased a new home and the yard was seeded with Bermuda. The grass is coming up very thin(likely because of little water or fertilizer) and...
JD218 – posted 04 June 2009 15:35 Hey, has anyone bought bermuda sod from A&N Sod Brokers? If so, how was the sod quality? turfgrass – posted 05 June 2009 21:59 nope, but give...
bwmaier – posted 02 April 2009 18:37 Weather forecasts here in GA are calling for temps to hover around 32°F in early April. Will lightly watering the lawn help prevent a frost from forming...
vetdoc123 – posted 17 April 2009 21:24 I planted a pennington mixture of mohawk, transcontinental, and sahara. It was planted about 3 weeks ago. It came up green and looked fine, now it is...
mbgreen – posted 29 April 2009 05:45 I recently hired a professional to fertilize/weed my lawn. He came last week and applied an application of fertilizer and pre and post weed killer. I came...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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