Invading grass in a Burnuda lawn
smartin – posted 24 June 2009 13:06
Looking for information and the correct spelling to a “coccolia?” invading grass in my bermuda lawn.
tommy – posted 24 June 2009 21:37
Can you post a picture or describe what it looks like? What state do you live in?
smartin – posted 24 June 2009 22:13
Never mind – it’s spelled kikuyu.
tommy – posted 25 June 2009 08:51
Spray crabgrass killer on it! You will need to do it 3 times- one month apart. You will not see kikuyu on the crabgrass killer label, but it does work!
smartin – posted 25 June 2009 09:11
So the crabgrass killer will kill the kikuyu with its rhizomes and stolons but not harm the bermuda grass? I have had a professional lawn care company spray a broadleaf killer that didn’t do anything to the kikuyu, and they told me the kikuyu and bermuda both react to the same weed killers.
Turfguy_UF – posted 27 June 2009 00:17
Miss post
[This message has been edited by Turfguy_UF (edited 27 June 2009).]
tommy – posted 27 June 2009 22:31
Well, your pro lawn service isan’t very pro like! haha Bermuda and Kikuyu are different “animals” when it comes to chemicals! Also- broadleaf weed killers and crabgrass killers are completely different chemical make ups. There are quite a few products that will damage kikuyu, but not bermuda……even some broadleaf weed killers will damage kikuyu! Check the labels on various weed killer products,(both grassy weeds and broadleaf), and any of them that say not to use on St Augustine, is the one you want to use! The reason for this, is kikuyu and St Augustine are damaged by the same chemicals, but kikuyu is rarely found on any label, because its not very common in most parts of the country.
smartin – posted 07 July 2009 11:24
Thank you. I will give it a try.
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