Ugly Bermuda Grass – Dallas/Ft Worth Area – Need Help……..
Tom Davis – posted 28 June 2009 15:34
Built new Dallas/Ft Worth area home in 2005. Lawn is Bermuda #419 TIFF turf (According to builder).
Each summer grass has ugly brown patches and burned spots unless watered heavily every day. ($450.00 monthly water bill).
Can anything be done to improve the heat tolerance of this variety?
tommy – posted 28 June 2009 21:39
The water is probably getting caught up in the thatch layer and not reaching the soil. Either that, or the ground is too hard and the water is running off. Every spring or early fall, the lawn should be de-thatched and aerified. (you can also do it now if you want). This will give you much better water effeciency. 419 is very drought tolerant if a deep root system is established. If de-thatching and aerifying is not your bag, have a lawn service do it.
[This message has been edited by tommy (edited 28 June 2009).]
tommy – posted 29 June 2009 10:32
…….also, apply an organic type fertilizer containing humus, or a slow releasing chemical fertilizer. In other words: don’t dump a bunch of quick releasing fertilizer on turf during hot weather. You might want to throw down some gypsum also, which will further soften the soil.
turfgrass – posted 29 June 2009 19:20
real good chance you’re seeing some dollar spot alsolow N + low soil moisture + hot/humid conditions = prime time dollar spot conditions
cam58 – posted 07 July 2010 12:06
give up on the bermuda, put down Cavalier Zoysia… the most unbelievable lawn I have ever seen…so dense no weeds will grow, shade tolerant, drought tolerant, heat tolerant, stays green longer in the fall, grows under my live oaks…I live in Plano. One neighbor put it down, did all the research, now it is being put down one by one on houses up and down the block… Very nice turfgrass. Like walking on a soft hairbrush…
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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