Can’t remember the name of this product
CanesForever – posted 06 May 2006 14:53
Hello all,A few months back I was reading a Bermudagrass forum (might have been this one) where someone posted about a product that you mix with water and spray on Bermuda turf to green it back up quickly. One forum poster also said he sprays it on his lawn in the fall to delay the turf from going dormant…usually until mid-late November he said (I think he also said he lives in Texas).
Someone posted a link to the product’s web page, and I remember it had before & after pictures of a baseball field in California, where the grass greened up dramatically in 2 weeks (allegedly).
I hope that rings a bell for someone – if anyone can be of any assistance, please help me out. Thanks.
tommy – posted 07 May 2006 11:51
I don’t remember that post, but the product probably had iron in it. If you can’t find that particular product, you can use any iron product,(liquid or dry), and also it helps if it has a little nitrogen in the mix.
kcr6419 – posted 07 May 2006 13:14
An antitranspirant maybe? Something like wilt-pruf (
CanesForever – posted 08 May 2006 16:46
quote:Originally posted by kcr6419:An antitranspirant maybe? Something like wilt-pruf (
Looks like a good product, and for all I know, the stuff I’m looking for may be chemically similar, but that’s not the one I had in mind. I appreciate your effort to help, though.
wadevl – posted 17 June 2006 22:55
chelated liquid Iron
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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