Can I install my St. Augustine Sod on my own?
JBLaureano – posted 16 September 2002 08:59
We are just completing the installation of our pool and they are grading our lawn today. There are some substanial patches of sod missing since they had to dig up the lawn. We would like to try to re-install the sod to save some money. We are NOT landscapers or pros by any means. Are we fools to try and install sod ourselves or is it worth is to have some company install it for us. It’s not the entire lawn but it is a substanial amount of sod that will have to be replaced.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Jason and Be*************@he***********.net
Will-PCB – posted 16 September 2002 20:44
With a little research and education, there is no reason at all why you cannot reinstall your own sod. Sounds like the hardest work (lawn grading), has been completed for you.
My wife and I installed all 2850 sq feet in the front and over 7000 sq feet of St. Augustine in our yard this year, along with doing all the prep work and throwing over 20 yards of top soil.
Our lawn looks wonderful and it is most satisfying knowing we did it for a fraction of the cost it would have had we hired the job out.
Wife says it’s the first time my Dodge 3500 4×4 ever earned it’s keep.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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