Best grass to use in South Florida
mrestrepo – posted 10 March 2002 16:11
I recently moved down from Boston, MA and bought a property in Florida. Property needs an entire new lawn. I want to plant the highest quality of grass that is resistant to local pesticides such as nematodes and best adaptable to the climate. I live in Coral Gables, Florida which is located south of downtown Miami. Can you provide any information on which grass is best adaptable in South Florida? Is Zoysia-Meyers the best grass for this area. I have seen messages taht state that Zoysia-Meyers does poorly in this area due to the large numbers of nematodes. Is this true? Are nematodes more of a problem in South Florida more so than in other areas of this country. If Zoysia-Meyers is the best type of grass, where can I go and purchase this type of grass.(willing to order online or drive). Please forward me your expert advice, suggestions, insights, recommendations. To the online community – your assistance is truly appreciated! Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response!
Miguel Re*********************@ne******.com320 Romano AvenueCoral Gables, Florida 33134Telephone 305-648-2649
cotton22 – posted 29 March 2002 16:33
there lots of choices for fl lawns. most popular seems to be st.augustine, but it has its negatives. i live in st.pete and have bahia argentine in front yard and seashore paspalum in back yard because its more rugged. but make your own choice as per what you want. here are a couple of sites helped me choose. good luck and happy lawning:
jjorg501 – posted 09 February 2003 17:41
Those 2 websites are very helpful. We are building in Punta Gorda, south of Tampa. The back of the lot is on a canal. The Seashore Paspalum looks to be a good choice for my backyard also.
Do you have trouble with your Bahai grass?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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