Bermuda in Zoysia
Bobby Boyd – posted 24 May 2001 14:08
How can I get rid of common bermuda in my zoysia lawn?
seed – posted 24 May 2001 15:26
Bobby, the postemergence herbicide Fusilade II (active ingredient fluazifop, fluazifop-P-butyl) is labeled by Zeneca (currently merging with Novartis under a new company name Syngenta) for control of bermudagrass in zoysia. The label says “Applications should be made in late spring (around June 1) and repeated about every 28 to 30 days.” (Timing apparently based on northern temperate areas.) The label does not say how many applications are needed, or whether it is possible to eradicate bermuda in zoysia. Rates can vary from 2 to 5 fluid ounces per acre, depending on the situation. The label contains other cautions and should be read prior to application, and followed.
In research by the University of Georgia’s Dr. B. J. Johnson, two successive years of treatment (two applications per year, both at higher than the present labeled rate) resulted in reduction of bermudagrass from 35% to 7%, and increase of zoysia cover from 65% to 85%.
The selective removing one perennial grass from another perennial grass is often a tedious project requiring diligence.
Bobby Boyd – posted 10 June 2001 11:38
Thanks Phil.
It’s been nearly two weeks and fusiladehas stopped the bermuda in its tracks. When can I start encouraging the meyerzoysia to start moving back in? What isthe best way to do this?
Thanks Again,
quote:Originally posted by seed:Bobby, the postemergence herbicide Fusilade II (active ingredient fluazifop, fluazifop-P-butyl) is labeled by Zeneca (currently merging with Novartis under a new company name [b]Syngenta) for control of bermudagrass in zoysia. The label says “Applications should be made in late spring (around June 1) and repeated about every 28 to 30 days.” (Timing apparently based on northern temperate areas.) The label does not say how many applications are needed, or whether it is possible to eradicate bermuda in zoysia. Rates can vary from 2 to 5 fluid ounces per acre, depending on the situation. The label contains other cautions and should be read prior to application, and followed.
In research by the University of Georgia’s Dr. B. J. Johnson, two successive years of treatment (two applications per year, both at higher than the present labeled rate) resulted in reduction of bermudagrass from 35% to 7%, and increase of zoysia cover from 65% to 85%.
The selective removing one perennial grass from another perennial grass is often a tedious project requiring diligence.
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