Aerator/Vertical mower and irrigation system

hoover98 – posted 08 October 2005 13:57

Live in Houston and have a massive thatch problem. I want to aerify or verti-cut my lawn, but I’m worried about breaking the heads on my irrigation system. I’m realtively new to this, so maybe there is no concern.

Also, what’s the best time of year to aerify/verti-cut St. Augustine lawns?


Yeow – posted 01 November 2005 21:17

You have a good common sense… you need to mark the sprinkler heads using stake flags so that you can avoid hitting them during lawn aeration. You can purchase stake flags at Lowes or Home Depot. Anything homemade will work too. Regarding your second question, I have assembled some links to university cooperative extension services at You should find the answer you are looking for plus more.

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