adding soil to existing lawn in low areas
Vickie – posted 29 April 2002 13:04
We just applied soil to the low areas in the yard work. Should I water this a certain way?What do you recommend?Thank you,vi****@wi****.com
George777 – posted 02 June 2002 18:02
I hope you did not put down too much top soil. Many people who top dress will try to get the soil level with one application.Top dressing is to help brake down thatch, relieve soil compaction, and level low spots, and may take several applications. 1/2-2 yd/1,000 ft2 at 1/8 or 5/8. Use similar soil with same texture. Sand and clay will produce concrete when wet.
bp/spraytech – posted 12 June 2002 16:43
water as you would the rest of your yard.just be sure not to wash it away if it is on a slope
frenchman – posted 13 June 2002 20:14
I’m a GCS and make sure before you water to tamp the soil to fill the air pockets. I’ve been doing my yard for a month now. The reason is, to make sure I don’t have any runs or low spots. Everytime it rains I find more low spots. This Sat I’m laying sod. Don’t get in a hurry. It take more than one time to get the low spots. Also are you seeding or sodding?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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