
Bermuda vs. St. Augustine

Bermuda vs. St. Augustine

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Confused Texan – posted 13 July 2003 18:46

I prefer Bermuda’s texture over St. Augustine. That aside, are there any benefits of St. Augustine over Bermuda? We are looking at resodding an area (150-200 sq ft) and we were advised to incorporate St. Augustine into part of it and Bermuda for the rest (sunlight issues). We currently have Bermuda. I don’t believe we really have sunlight issues except for a 5×5 area where we could just make a flower bed.

If St. Augustine will “creep out” and take over the yard, I don’t think I’m interested. Is there something I’m missing?


Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 13 July 2003 20:17

St Augustine will creep out and take over the yard IF you treat it like it likes. If you treat it like bermuda likes, then it will just be creepy and not take over the yard.

Bermuda likes to be mowed at 1/2 to 1 inch tall. St Augustine likes to be mowed at 4 to 6 inches tall. Most mowers only go to 3 inches tall, but it likes that too. Bermuda will be shaded out until the grass height comes back to about an inch.

If you have St Aug in the shade and mow at 1/2 inch high, the St Augustine runners will be very unsightly. If you put a flower bed in the shade, the bermuda will try to take it over and look horrible because bermuda doesn’t really like shade.

I would put a 4 inch deep concrete curb around the shady area and put in a tall, dense growing ground cover like Asiatic jasmine inside the curb. You can edge both plants against the curb on their own side.

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