
bermuda vs st augustine

bermuda vs st augustine

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catlins – posted 16 January 2003 22:52

I live in Orange County CA, not coastal but not desert. I had a fescue(marathon 2) for 10 years but in the past few months my newly aquired 60 and 80 lb rescue greyhounds have turned that lawn into dirt.I have one Chilean Mesquite tree that shades the center of my yard with roots near the surface. I was contemplating bermuda,saw that some do better with shade, because it could stand up to the greyhounds running. A gardener I had out recommended St Augustine.What would be its advantages and is it as durable??? I have even contemplated using crushed granite if a lawn is impossible.I have a sprinkler system so water no problem year round but cannot use chemicals with the greyhounds.Any suggestions would be helpful.

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