Zoysia Zeon in ATL
ATL_grass – posted 03 May 2009 10:44
I had Zoysia Zeon installed about two weeks ago. I’ve been watering regularly and along with Mother Nature’s help, the yard is coming around. However, there are areas which seem to be dying, but are getting enough water and sunlight. Could this be a result of dormant sod or overwatering? Part of my yard has rooted itself whereas other parts haven’t, but are getting there. What to do about the brown/dying areas? How long will it take to root itself, more than two weeks? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
tommy – posted 04 May 2009 10:16
Overly wet and poor drainage can cause browning. The sod should have some roots in the ground by now. Go to one of the bad spots and Take a hand full of turf and pull up on it. If you are able to lift the sod out by hand, you either have soil that is too hard,(roots can’t penetrate) or soil that is over saturated.
Alex_in_FL – posted 10 May 2009 07:54
Take a look and see if you see any small black bugs that look like armored beetles. They are called huntingdon billbugs. Also look for grubs.
New in Pensacola, FL – posted 03 May 2010 21:58
How is your zeon doing? I am debating this one and a couple of others, like el toro and empire and ultimate flora. did it ever green back up, and how much shade does it tolerate? Thanks!
green in atlanta – posted 04 May 2010 07:47
Has your installer taken a look? Perhaps they just had a few bad tiles of sod? If so, they should be willing to replace them.
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