Water saving product used on golf courses
lrodptl – posted 26 June 2007 13:54
I found a product recently on the internet that is used on Turfgrass and cuts watering by as much as 66%. It is applied every 3 months and has been used on Florida golf courses etc, This is new stuff for public purchase and I cannot remember the name,though it begins with the letters HYDR.It comes in spray containers. Sound familiar to anyone?
TexanOne – posted 27 June 2007 04:03
This is undoubtedly an anti-transpirant product, of which there are many trade names. Just do a web search of anti-transpirant, antitranspirant, or anti-desiccant and youll find lots of hits. I dont know much about anti-transpirant products for turfgrasses, but I would highly encourage you to check out actual, real-world results before using them.
Bear in mind that turfgrasses must transpire water to remain cool and survive hot weather
lrodptl – posted 27 June 2007 06:55
Thanks,it’s about $40 to treat my grass (13000 sq ft) and much cheaper than a sprinkler system so worth a try. They listed commercial customers and pictures (I know). If I find it I’ll post the link.
lrodptl – posted 27 June 2007 07:20
Hydretain! Thanks,it was the first hit!
seed – posted 27 June 2007 23:53
Transpiration, water loss to the atmosphere from leaves, is by gaseous diffusion. That is the same process by which leaves exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide, with the atmosphere. There is nothing that can be sprayed on a leaf to restrict diffusion of gaseous water, without also restricting oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange.
TANSTAFL, There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.
lrodptl – posted 28 June 2007 11:31
This product says you have to rinse the product off the leaf and into the root zone.
Alex_in_FL – posted 27 October 2007 22:45
lrodptl: Product says it may (may not “will”) reduce the frequency of watering by 50%. Don’t you think you will need a sprinkler system for that other 50% of the time?
green in atlanta – posted 30 January 2008 07:53
methinks you’re barking up the wrong tree, lrodptl.
Golf courses still have irrigation systems, fwiw.
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