U3 VS Bermuda Triangle
Gambleress – posted 05 June 2008 11:07
Has anyone used Bermuda Triangle in Central Okla? I am wondering if the Triangle is softer than the U3 and which one is the better quality.
wrangler – posted 06 June 2008 05:35
There is not pure strains of U3 available in OK nor is there seeded U3. Bermuda Triangle is not winter tolerant in Oklahoma. If you want a seeded bermudagrass for your area; Riviera was bred @ OSU and is grown and produced in Oklahoma. It is the #1 rated seeded bermudagrass in the NTEP trials. Seed inventories are very limited now.
Gambleress – posted 06 June 2008 08:06
The Rivera is SOOOOOOO expensive. I was told the Triangle would be winter tolerant due to the Mohawk in it.
Gambleress – posted 06 June 2008 08:45
Okay I did research the U3 per your advice. I found someone who will Sprigg the full acre and a half for 1500.00. Now my question is Srigging better than Seeding? Sorry I am clueless about lawns.
wrangler – posted 06 June 2008 21:09
Sprigging is a proven way to plant bermuda. Weed control is a challenge with both sprigs and seeds. @ 2#/1000 sq ft Riviera will cost approx. $1400 so cost between seeding Riviera and sprigging U3is a push. Make sure if you need more sprigs at a later date, get your sprigs from the same guy. All U3 is not the same. The advantage to seeding is the increased amount of growing points compared to sprigging. I strongly recommend that you thoroughly read and understand the agronomy of seeding bermudagrass seed. You can get an establishment guide from the Johnston Seed Co. web site.
wrangler – posted 07 June 2008 08:26
Establishment Guidehttp://www.bermudagrass.com/info-pdf/bermudagrass-est.pdf
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