bluegrass vs. fescue
jay412 – posted 09 June 2008 12:09
I am having sod placed in my new front yard. I have been told by my lawn guy and my relatives that fescue is the way to go; however, fescue will cost me 1000 bucks more to have laid down. Right now, there are no trees and both sides of my house get plenty of sunlight for half the day. What is the advantages to each and what do you recommend? thanks,jay412
CitizenKate – posted 17 June 2008 16:59
I’ve had both, and I hate bermuda, mainly because of how hard it is to control (i.e., keep from growing in areas where you don’t want it). I also do not like how fast it turns brown in the fall.
Fescue on the other hand, becomes active much earlier in the spring, and stays green sometimes as late as November here.
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