Turf Kill Zone 4-5
JimAndersen – posted 17 June 2004 17:10
We currently are attempting to find a replacement grass for areas under Colorado Spruce and other conifers in our cemetery.
These are mature trees (80-120 years old) that are limbed to the 12-15 ft area of the trees.
The areas are irrigated via sprinkler.
We have had dead areas (usually on the south side of the tree winds are generally from the north) under these trees; we attribute these dead areas to drought, needle suffocation, compaction (due to lack of sod and shallow roots systems on behalf of the conifers) and the possibility of microorganisms.
We are in the process of aeration and irrigation specifically in these areas and have considered the use of fine fescues as a recovery seed for the area. We are looking for a long tern remedy rather than an annual endeavor.
If there are any suggestions from the forum that might help please respond.
Thank you,Jim Andersen
ted – posted 17 June 2004 19:26
i think your long term fix may be either landscaping, mulching, or selective pruning. i don’t think aeration and watering work by itself.
JimAndersen – posted 17 June 2004 21:10
We have considered mulch and landscaping, because this is a cemetery there is the issue of plots that belong to the public, future burials, money (there are over a hundred of these trees throughout the cemetery, we have to consider access to public funds), and personnel (again money).
The largest amount of our complaints are generated as a result of these dead areas. We are developing a comprehensive replacement program for the older trees, most were planted at the same time and we anticipate losing many that are close in age at or near the same time. At that time we will use deciduous and smaller drought resistant species as replacements.
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