Trying to kill bermunda, Bahia and Crabgrass in Fescue
Ed_wannabe_green – posted 18 August 2008 09:50
Im in Eastern NC, and replace my entire lawn last Sept.07 with Rebel lV tall Fesue. It came up beautifully (Could have made the cover of Home & Gardens)the summer heat has thin it out a bit, but I notice the crabgrass and some Bermuda and Bahiagrass starting to take hold. Does anybody know of something that will kill the Bermuda, crabgrass and Bahiagrass without harming the Fescue? PS I bought some “IMAGE Kills Crabgrass” for post emergent weed control, I’m thinking about trying it in a small area of lawn first. comments greatly appreciated
tommy – posted 19 August 2008 10:58
‘Image’ will kill Tall fescue, so you may want to sell your bottle to someone. Ortho Crabgrass killer would be better, but would still leave the bermuda. Bermuda patches can be killed with ‘Round up'(which also kills the Tall fescue), which means you must re-sod or seed the dead spots.
Ed_wannabe_green – posted 20 August 2008 11:09
Tommy thanks for your reply. I must have purchase one of Imagine’s newest products,(the bottle reads “NEW”). I used the product on a small section of my lawn …. and I must say …. so far I am really impressed. In less than 24 hrs I see some severe damage to the crabgrass(nothing to the Bermuda and Bahia) and it appears to have had not negative impact on the Fesue. I would think if it’s going to effect the Fesue i would see at least a little discoloration. The label indicateds that that it will not harm tolarant grasses …. and it list Bluegrass as a Tolorant grass, and I thik Bluegrass is a type of Fesue … anyway thats for the feed back. Oh .. I also took your advice with killing the Bermuda and Bahia with Roundup and just reseeding in the Fall. It I stay on top of it while there is very little of it in the yard .. I should have a pretty good chance at winning the battle. thanks ED.
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