summer patch
jpear1y – posted 05 October 2005 16:47
I live on Cape Cod,Ma and this year has been severe with Summer Patch. I’ve applied Scott’s recomended product with almost no success. What do you think of Rubigan and at what rates and how often should it be applied. What’s out there that would work best ?jpearson
cohiba – posted 06 October 2005 14:20
I have a severe summer patch problem with an area of my course. It was diagnosed in the late 70’s by Rutgers as a “very strong strain” of the disease. Needless to say we treat it preventatively. I have found that Banner Maxx at the 4oz.rate works best. Make sure you water it in to get it into the soil. You may have to get professional help with that one but it will be worth it.
The hard part is figureing out what the problem is. Treating the problem is the easy part.
I’m sure there are other answers.
Good Luck…………………
wadevl – posted 07 October 2005 20:27
spray INSIGNIAawsome stuff
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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