st augutine problems
bf1800 – posted 27 December 2009 20:44
I had some large area die and others taken over by a weed. That weed in very narrow blade that almost looks like green wheat grass. It grows in patches and pulls up very easy. I have looked but cant find out what kind of weed it is. Any help is appreciated
Almaroad – posted 01 January 2010 10:32
Could you post a photo and let us know where you live. There are thousands of things that could be. Photo will narrow it down significantly.
landscapelifer – posted 20 January 2010 19:45
Your description is enough for me. The area of grass died due to insufficient irrigation coverage…it dried out, maybe got chinch bugs…you couldn’t kill them so it got bigger…insecticides applied dosen’t seem to work…it’s not being watered deep enough to kill the little bastards! Whew! finally the freeze got ’em. Now, shit, big dead area. What lkes dead areas….hmmm, You likely have Kyllinga Grass, Purple Sedge (both tall dark green, thin-bladed grasses). You’re also likely to get Alexander Grass, a fat-bladed mat-like invasive grass…this one tough to pull, those damn roots really hold!!!! You can use “Manage” or “sedge Hammer” to control the sedges. Can only hand-pull, spray rond-up and eplace Alexander agrass areas, forget baking soda. But the sedges will reappear unless you fix your irrigation coverage issue. Don’t just replace sod or you’ll being doing it again after next bad spell. make sure you get 3/4″ – 1″ of water as uniformly as possible over all desirable full-sun areas. Then you can enjoy a nice St. Augustine lawn without being a slave to it! A St. Augustine lawn can only look as good as the supporting irigation systems’ coverage, frequency of use and amount put out…this I promise.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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