
Re-sodding 40 yr. old zoysia

Re-sodding 40 yr. old zoysia

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Treehouse – posted 22 July 2004 10:08

My contractor damaged my neighbor’s 40 year old zoysia lawn. We tried seed and it washed awaw and didn’t take well. We have been looking for sod but we don’t know the type. My neighbor tells me it is Zentih Zoysia, but some seed/turf stores tell me it has only been around for about 15 years. I was told it was probably Meyer Zoysia or Z-52.The only sod I can find in my area is Empire Zoysia. Can anyone tell me the differences and what would look similar patched into an established lawn.

[This message has been edited by Treehouse (edited 22 July 2004).]

Alex_in_FL – posted 23 July 2004 19:59

Where do you live? Does the blade get real prickly in the summer during a drought? Are the blades relatiely straight or somewhat curly? Are they flat or roundish?

Empire is a broadleafed version of zoysia. My bet is that it will not match up very good at all. Empire is a narrower leaf and looks like the older zoysia (like my father had) but it is not quite as prickly. It might be a better match.

Alternatively you could go buy one strip of sod from other areas and take home to compareAnother alternative is to look for somebody else with a similar yard and ask what they have.


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