Princess 77 Bermuda Grass
Jon Smith – posted 10 September 2009 13:44
I am presently involved with a project and there is a need to establish a soccer pitch by early December this year.One line of thought is to turf the pitch with warm season sod, but in order to avoid the cost of this alternatives are being considered.One other option is to seed the pitch within the next few weeks with Princess 77 Bermuda grass and then overseed soon after germination, early to mid October, with Rye grass.Does anyone have any experience of overseeding an establishing seeded Princess 77 with Rye grass. Is it possible and are there any pitfalls. Obviously we are conscious of the possible disease problems.Any comment, assistance or alternative ideas would be greatly appreciated.
turfgrass – posted 10 September 2009 16:31
hope you’re in FL or south TX if you’re gonna be seeding bermuda this late
Jon Smith – posted 10 September 2009 16:38
Yes the project is on a latitude a bit further south than Key West
tommy – posted 11 September 2009 10:03
There should not be any problem…because of how far south you are. If you were further north, the ryegrass would slow the development of the Princess. Your location gives the Princess the advantage of year around growth, and also the heat and humidity to quickly remove the ryegrass in spring. Your plan is good, because the ryegrass will give Princess the protection it needs during its slow growth period in the winter. New Bermuda turf does not have very good wear tolerance during its first winter.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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