planning to lay zoysia but have lots of sandburs

NSBNewB – posted 11 October 2010 17:56

I just bought a house in New Smyrna Beach, Fl. I am wanting to get new grass due to all the sandburs that i have. I sprayed image and it helped a little but not nearly enough so im over it. I have already round up most of the yard. My question is if i till am i just creating a problem? I was going to have some top soil brought in but should i remove some of my current sand? Any help for a new home owner with zero experience? the lawn is half st.aug and the other looks like the sand lot(before they one the series).

GolfSuper – posted 24 March 2011 10:55

Sandburs can be controlled by applying a pre-emergent herbicide that is labelled for sandburs.

Once you have your lawn tilled and levelled, you can apply the Pre-emergent (if this is being done before the sandburs are germinating again). Then go ahead and lay your zoysia sod.

-Perry Whaley Owner, ConsultantGreen


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