No care at all grass species
hammer – posted 02 July 2009 15:09
I’m in zone 7b, I have a half acre plot that I’m going to plant some type of grass on. However I’m simply doing this for experiment sake and no other reason, what I’m going to do Is get some type of grass a growing and walk off and NEVER do anything to It. I’m not going to ever water or fertilize It I’m simply going to let It go and see what happens.I’m not going to mow It either. I have alot of room to do this and I’m only doing this to satisfy my curiosity as to what type of grass would be able to stand this, It seems like alot of people really do alot of work for there yard but I’m simply going to test this area and see what grass species can make It without ANY help what so ever from me. I will get It started but once It starts Its on Its on from then on forever. Now I know this Is a odd question and probably one you ain’t never been asked but Is there a species of Any grass that would be able to survive without any help from me? If so what would It be. This spot gets full direct sun.
turfgrass – posted 02 July 2009 17:54
why plant anything at all? just let the seed bank in your soil do the work
hammer – posted 03 July 2009 04:22
Because Like I said I’m doing this to satisfy my curiosity. I have plenty of land to try this experiment on and I’m going to do this. If No one else replies Im going to go with common Bermuda and see how It goes. I’m just wanting to see what grass species can fair the best without any human intervention what so ever.
Turfguy_UF – posted 03 July 2009 11:09
In order of best grass for your situation:1) Bahia2) Centipede3) Bermuda
I would go away from Bermuda as it can over take anything, and if you have a desirable yard next to you, or your own it could cause problems. Bahia will grow under the conditions you stated, but wont out compete other grasses very easily, making you a better neighbor.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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