new Lawn from seed

wsee – posted 10 March 2007 18:22

Greetings,Finally going to try and plant some grass I will be seeding either Argintine Bahaia or Sahara bermuda.. I have two+ acres I am going to put in irrigation in the front 1/2 acre however the back is on its own.. Lot of trees but I been cutting and clearing for three years pretty clear now 75 or so leftI am going to use round up on what I have lets just say it is a green varity of weeds ha!! in some places. Then I will rake and blade after ten days to prepare the seed bed.Then plant and smooth and throw a couple of tons of straw all over the place and pray for some rain Not a monsoon. I read somewhere that bahaia is almost like a guarennteed seed “sow it and forget it” also it is thicker and more comforting under the feet then burmuda.So is there anyone out there that can give me any tips or advise.. I would really appreciate it.. I know bahia thins and has seed heads but I am a cutting fool.. Does anyone know which would be quicker to germinate and establish??? Oh yea I live in the panhandleof floridaThanks

wsee – posted 29 March 2007 16:24

Well got my 180 lbs of Sahara bermuda going to try and pre-soak prior to planting..Got Bermuda due to the fact of my research says it will dominate all weeds and grasses.. I want aggressive growth and plenty of green.Anyway when the temp stabilizes I will be planting I will be adding lime and fertilizer prior to seeding will take pics of before during and after..

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