Breaking up Huge Rock underneath Lawn

hankhill – posted 04 November 2006 20:58

Need to sink some bordering for the lawn and ran into a huge limestone rock about1/2″ underneath the turf. I need to cross about 1 ft. of this rock with borderingmaterial (thin plastic).

When I faced this problem before I dug the rock out with a shovel, but thismother is huge. Will a carpenter’s hammer break it up enough to sink the border or do I need to rent a jackhammer?

This seemed like the right location to ask.

[This message has been edited by hankhill (edited 04 November 2006).]

lennyk – posted 05 November 2006 09:44

how wide is the rock ?you may be able to get away with using a hilti chipping hammer drill instead of the full monty jackhammer

hankhill – posted 05 November 2006 23:59

I’ll definitely need a power tool. I tried attacking it with a carpenter’s hammer todayand maybe broke off some tiny chips and dust. The rock basically laughed at me.

Although it seems to be about 2ft. in diameter, I only need to cross it with theedging, so I only need a trench maybe 1/4″ wide, 3-4″ deep, and 1-2ft in length.

[This message has been edited by hankhill (edited 06 November 2006).]

lennyk – posted 06 November 2006 02:55

a hilti should do the job, Home Depot should have them for rental in their contractor’s dept. A jack hammer would do the job in no time but would be a lot of hassle with compressor etc unless you can get an electric one rented.

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