New Jamur Zoysia Lawn
Dixie – posted 13 August 2009 08:55
Well, it has been eight weeks since I laid the new sod. It is doing great and looks beautiful. The only drawback so far is that I am having to mow it twice per week. It is so thick that it has heavy grass clippings laying on the lawn after only a few days of growth. I have to keep mowing over the clippings to spread them out. It is very thick, but there are no weeds, so I am not complaining. I’m using mulching blades with the grass shute closed. Wonder if it may not be better to open the grass shute and let it throw the clippings away for maybe a more even dispursement.
mrmumbels – posted 18 August 2009 06:15
Do you got any pics?
If jamur is like empire you will regret not picking those clippings up. I have a small pile in the back of my house that is over 3 years old and still has not disintegrated yet.
[This message has been edited by mrmumbels (edited 18 August 2009).]
Dixie – posted 20 August 2009 08:03
Everything I read said to leave the clippings as they feed earthworms and make fertilizer, etc. But as thick as the grass is, I can see where mowing would be a lot easier if the clippings were bagged. Now, I don’t know what to do. Help, please.
Stan – posted 27 August 2009 13:24
I think I read that leaving the clippings will cause worse thatch buildup. I would love to see images of the grass. I created a temporary email address to post here and will forward to my real email address. I did not want to post my real one here because I could get spam.
Here it is: kw********@ga********.com
I look forward to seeing the picture!
ericl – posted 28 August 2009 13:18
Dixie I posted to one of your original posts.The grass gets very dense, I was cutting the lawn at approx. 4. It became so dense that my mower would bog down just removing a ½. I purchased a reel mower and Im going to bring it down to 1-7/8. I now have it at about 2.5 however the grass only leafs out at the top 1/3 of the stem, so now I am seeing the stems of the grass, giving it a scalped appearance throughout the yard, I have contacted the turf farm that I purchased the grass at and they commented I am on the right track. I will have to go through the ugly phase in order to get the grass to the height I want. Also at the taller heights the blades required sharpening every third cut. As the grass is maintained at a lower height it will cause lateral growth, so you will end up with the lush lawn and easier to maintain.
Dixie – posted 31 August 2009 09:20
I will try to get some pictures this weekend if my granddaughter will show me how to take pictures with my digital camera and e-mail them. I took the grass shute cover off this weekend and it worked better in dispursing all that grass. I still think I may need to consider purchasing a bagger attachment for my mower. I believe it is time to spread some organic fertilizer with iron for the upcoming fall and winter months. I read that iron is good and helps the grass to turn very green. The starter fertilizer the installers spread on June 19th was not very even and sometimes the lawn looks a little yellowish and streaked.
ericl – posted 31 August 2009 19:06
Dixie I skipped my last fert, its too dense as it is. what part of the country are you in?
Dixie – posted 21 September 2009 14:16
I am in the Raleigh, NC area. Let me know how yours did once you lowered the height. I am mowing mine on the highest setting on my lawn mower, prbably around 3 inches.
mrmumbels – posted 24 September 2009 08:02
ericl, if you’re in a freeze zone i’d just wait until spring right when the lawn is coming out of dormancy and scalp it then. Taking it down from 4 inches will have you seeing stems and probably hurt the grass. Check out lawn cafe or some of the other lawn forums where the professionals talk and you’ll get a better idea.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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