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Mouse – posted 19 September 2003 15:11

I have tons of mushrooms… as do my neighbors. Any nice way to get rid of them (vs. mowing them down).

certified-in-florida – posted 21 September 2003 14:29

Mushrooms are basically the “fruiting bodies” of fungus. They are usually caused by something beneath the surface of your soil decaying. They can also signal a fungus of your grass (fairy ring). Gennerally speaking, dont pay them any attention and mow them down.

Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 21 September 2003 21:30

If you get a circle of mushrooms, keep an eye on the center of the circle. Frequently you will get graying or drying of the grass in the center. Then you need to apply ordinary corn meal at 20 pounds per thousand square feet. It takes 3 weeks, but the fungus will die.

But if you don’t have the circles with the dying spots, then like certified said, leave it alone.

Mouse – posted 23 September 2003 07:38

no, no circles here. Just bunches. Some of the kids in the neighborhood, whack them with golf clubs… they end up all over the streets. I just think the conditions in my area are right to create mushrooms.

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