Help with problem with new sod…
Surfnsnowboard3 – posted 14 October 2009 16:14
I had Marathon 2 fescue sod installed in Beaumont, CA (southern California 2400 feet) one month ago. Everything was going great and the sod was growing very quickly. I spoke with the landscaper that installed the sod and he told me that I could now mow it.
I hired a gardener to mow the lawn, which he did today. The sod was at maybe 4-5″ a blade. The gardener mowed the lawn to about 1/2 to 1″ which I LATER found out is VERY BAD. Now that the deed is done, should I do anything at this point before it may die/turn yellow/etc? If so, what?
tommy – posted 14 October 2009 17:37
The grass will come back, and a good fall and winter cutting height for that grass is 2″. Fertilize now with ‘Scotts turf builder with winter guard’.
turfgrass – posted 14 October 2009 20:54
you want to maintain it @ 3-4″
nothing you can do now, just let it grow back out
tommy – posted 15 October 2009 09:52
Marathon 2 is fairly low growing, and can easily handle 2″ in cooler weather. Summer cutting height could go to 3″, but there is no need to cut any higher….unless you want a meadow look.
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