Crabgrass taking over
lalumondier – posted 15 September 2009 10:32
This summer my lawn got a lot of Crabgrass. I have reseeded my lawn and will reseed again once the Crabgrass dies off. My question is this – is the fescue i have planted dead? or is it in more of a dormant state and will come back?
Also Can I use a Crabgrass killer even though i just reseeded? Or will that harm the grass seed?
Turfguy_UF – posted 09 October 2009 13:37
Depends on the state of your Fescue. If you dont see any signs of it then I would have to say it might be gone, but if you see some growth even if it is brown it might still have a chance to come back.
I am not 100% on my cool season grasses but crabgrass will not do well over the winter. So you have a chance to establish a fescue lawn now. I would not apply anything herbicide wise to your newly seeded lawn.
However in the spring just before the last frost, or to your best knowledge of when you think that might be, you can apply a pre-emergent herbicide to kill the crabgrass before it even becomes a problem, and you can repeat that through the year during the highest times of crabgrass outbreak.
So when ever you think the temperatures are going to be sustained at 72 degrees from then on out, a week before that date, or to the herbicide’s directions apply it, and that should help you.
Hope that helps.TurfGuy
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