Help I have moles!
jadonsmom – posted 14 June 2007 18:54
I am new to the website and need some great suggestions on these irritating moles in my yard! I read briefly something about Wrigleys gum and wondered if anyone knew of this and how to do it? Do you put the sticks in unchewed? I have a VERY small yard and today I have 11 new mounds of dirt! Please help!!
cohiba – posted 15 June 2007 09:42
Moles are a pain in the grass!First, you need to remove thier food source. Or at least some of it. Moles eat grubs and worms. Spread some grub killer on the yard and you have started to make the moles feel less at home. Then you have a few options.
If you want to go organic: plant a Castor plant. This is a large annual plant. But be warned: the berries are poisonious. If there are no young children or curious pets around you should be OK. The plant will repel the moles and send them to your neighbors lawns.
For a mechanical method: the Victor Mole Trap works well. Just alot of setting and waiting.
For a chemical approach: Talpralid is a mole rodenticide in the form of a rubberish worm. Sort of like a clear Gummi worm or a fishing worm. The stuff works well though. The nice part about that is the moles are already buried.
Good Luck and let us know how you make out!
jadonsmom – posted 15 June 2007 11:17
Thank you so much for the ideas! It is so frustrating to try to keep a small yard nice when it is being transformed to dirt!
jadonsmom – posted 15 June 2007 15:10
Thank you again for the suggestions to rid my yard of moles. The Talpralid sounds very interesteing..Could you tell me where to purchase it? Thank you so much
efdavis – posted 16 June 2007 07:38
If you have mounds of dirt in lawn go to Walmart and get a can of goffer bait, it milo with poison. Take a long butcherknife and probe around the mound untilyou locate the run then open the hole buymoving the blade from side to side, pour 1tbs. of poison in seal hole lightlyand he is gone. IT WORKS
cohiba – posted 16 June 2007 09:10
Your local Lesco should handle it. I’m sorry I forget the price. There may be a restriction on it in your state, I don’t know that either. If worse comes to worse call an exterminator and educate him on this new product.
We actually have a guy in the business locally in NJ called “The Mole Man”. I wonder what he uses to eradicate the little buggers.
Just a thought.
jadonsmom – posted 16 June 2007 13:41
I want to thank efdavis for the suggestion of the product at walmart..Thank you so much
I also want to thank cohiba for the lead that you gave me I am so intrigued by the product, I have to find it!! I am in the state of Washington and so far cannot find it…I will keep looking and will try all the things I can. My neighbor has lived here for 2 years and she said she has tried everything including electronic,traps,gasoline and bait. She does not have barely any spots though but she does have 3 dogs in the yard which I think makes a difference too! I myself have 5 new mounds today and they are moving towards the back near my patio! It is just unbelievable! I have never had a mole problem with any yard I’ve had but now I live beside the rivere and wonder what that adds to it? Maybe more moisture makes more grubs? I am going to get some grub killer like you said and start there. Thanks again!!
jadonsmom – posted 20 August 2007 13:30
I wanted to thank everyone on my mole problem! I found a product called Molexit that works soooo good! I had 65 mounds in my small/tiny yard and I put down the Molexit 4 weeks a go and have had no activity for 3 weeks! It works!! Check them out if you have problems… Thank you again!
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