gettin rid of st augustine grass
granny s – posted 26 October 2008 10:11
I am a 66 year old granny, live alone, do all my gardening by myself, and whenever I want to put in a new bush or large plant/tree, I have one heck of a time digging up the st augustine grass. I use a small key hole saw to cut the grass, which works fairly well, but still is labor intensive. I don’t want to get rid of the grass in the entire yard, just in spots, and I am considering a rather large project of lining the perimeter of my rather large lot with plants like plumbago and gardenia, along with the existing crepe myrtles and making one long continuous mulched area, instead of the individual rounded mulched areas that I have now around the crepe myrtles and the princess flower and the yellow alder, but just the thought of digging up all that grass gives me a headache. Any easy suggestions, other than, don’t do it?
Almaroad – posted 27 October 2008 13:23
Granny: Go to Tractor Supply or Lowes and buy you a pro strength bottle of Round-Up and spray the area where you want to replant something. Give yourself at least two weeks for the Round-up to leave the ground before replanting anything there. Stay close to the ground or cover up the grass with plastic to keep the spray contained. After two weeks wet the area well and removing the dirt will be easy. Don’t forget to remove any plastic covering or the grass will be killed. If you are able to put some plastic or metal edge material around the live grass, the runners will not invade the newly cleared spot. I’d mulch about 4-5″ around the new plants. Round up is great but it will kill anything that the overspray get on.
granny s – posted 27 October 2008 15:15
Thanks, Roy, I am going to definitely try it.Granny S
Almaroad – posted 27 October 2008 15:28
Just be sure you mask in (Put plastic or something to keep it off your good grass. That Pro Roundup will kill even a little past the sprayed area. Where do you live? If in the south or coastal area the sandy soil will be easily removed. Good Luck, Roy
granny s – posted 27 October 2008 19:19
I live in Ocala, Fl, and you’re right, the soil is easy to remove, once I get past the tough (tree) grass. I have to literally saw thru it…..Thanks again. Granny S
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