Common bermuda vs. Yukon
Glenn – posted 06 October 2011 14:52
My property is bounded on 3 sides by lawns that are being overrun with Common bermuda.
I could spray to control the Common and stay with my Fescue, but with the increasingly hot summers, the Fescue is getting harder hit by the sun with every passing year.
But, if I do a complete kill and seed with Yukon, will the Yukon keep the Common from encroaching? Or would I simply be starting a war that, even if I could win, would be end up being another repetitive yearly hassle?
Btw, I’m in the transition zone.
thanks in advance
tommy – posted 07 October 2011 13:29
Its too late to planet bermuda, but next spring you can kill the common and plant any improved variety of bermuda. Any returning common will not over-run the new turf.
seed – posted 08 October 2011 15:34
The transition zone, for those who may not be familiar, is the geographic region that separates the region in which cool-season turfgrasses predominate throughout the year, and the region in which warm-season turfgrasses predominate throughout the year. In the transition zone, both cool-season turfgrasses (e.g., Kentucky bluegrass) and some warm-season turfgrases (e.g., bermudagrass) can be grown, often with difficulty. The transition zone has generally been drawn in humid eastern North America as a band about 100 miles wide from southern New Jersey and Maryland southwest through Virginia, and west across Tennessee to Missouri. In this region a relatively cold tolerant warm-season grass, zoysiagrass, often does well. The idea of a transition zone (also called transition region) is sometimes also used for drier areas such as parts of California, and might apply to more granular climates such as mountainous regions where warm- and cool-season grasses predominate in nearby areas due to altitude, separated by an altitudinal transition zone.
Glenn – posted 10 October 2011 13:38
Thanks for the input. I’ll post my results next fall.
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