Category: Weeds

What is this light green grass??

Todd – posted 27 December 2009 19:27 This patchy thin blade light green grass is taking over my yard. It does not seed, it does not turn brown and the root system is very...

Spring Weed Killer

dicksenn – posted 13 March 2010 18:30 I just scalped my lawn and wanted to spray some weed/crabgrass killer since the crabgrass is taking off already, but my Bermuda grass is not green so...

Coarse grass in Pacific Northwest

joeln – posted 20 May 2009 08:40 Hello – I have done a little research on the Internet to find out why my lawn, in just 2 years, has turned from a perfectly healthy...

violets in lawn

Anne – posted 13 July 2009 13:42 For years we have been plagued with violet weeds in our lawn. We have been trying to avoid herbicides, but we finally had to try one, so...

Carpet Grass

Mike A – posted 15 October 2001 19:29 What is Carpet Grass and how do I get rid of it? wdrake – posted 16 October 2001 04:28 Carpetgrass is a warm season turfgrass that...

yellow nutsedge

ChuckN – posted 11 May 2009 09:28 My lawn in northern Ohio is badly infested with Yellow Nutsedge. I am considering a herbicide called NUTGRASS NIHILATOR Does this chemical work? saltcedar – posted 11...

Asulox results

Littletommy – posted 12 August 2009 08:56 Hi… My friend gave me a little Asulox to use on a crabgrass problem area of my St Augustine lawn (Central Florida). How long does it take...

Poa annua

Steven – posted 02 May 2009 23:03 I have done a lot of researching on the internet about how to get rid of Poa annua. I found Prograss 1.5 EC is effective. I came...

identify plant in new zoysia sod

goldeneye – posted 11 May 2009 09:10 little help. just laid this zoysia sod 9 days ago and this bugger is growing out of it…what is it and what to do??? *not sure...