please help me ID these weeds!
michaeldeep – posted 22 March 2011 19:34 i have 3 weeds that i need help identifying. i have a fescue lawn in north carolina. i have had it with these weeds and i need...
michaeldeep – posted 22 March 2011 19:34 i have 3 weeds that i need help identifying. i have a fescue lawn in north carolina. i have had it with these weeds and i need...
nlandman – posted 24 March 2011 19:56 Hello I live in Orlando, FL and have St. Augustine in my yard. We had several areas around our yard that were full of weeds after chinch...
pyro – posted 31 May 2011 15:46 it seems to be more prominent in flower beds, however it does pop up every now and again on the edge of the lawn. turfgrass –...
AustinAl – posted 02 August 2011 16:27 Can anyone identify this weed, growing in my emerald zoyzia lawn? It is a wiry, tough weed which appears to propagate with rhizomes. Stem and roots very...
dammit123 – posted 30 August 2011 22:10 Working to save my infield from a large amount of crabgrass. Let me know your thoughts: Hit it with Q4 on 8/23 which has turned a lot...
pyro – posted 04 September 2011 13:04 What is this? I thought it was some form of crabgrass, however the baking soda trick seems to only yellow it (after 2 days) and it seems...
hmaz – posted 01 October 2011 11:29 I live in L.A county and have St Augustine grass, for the last few years I have planted rye grass in late OCT., so when the SA...
rfhjr – posted 22 February 2012 19:24 Planted some Compadre Zoysia seed last summer and had some crabgrass problems. What is a good pre emergence herbicide for crab grass. I have heard some things...
breakpoint – posted 22 March 2011 00:00 I have St. Augustine grass and so are my neighbors. It all started with a small area. After mowing the lawn, it took over in the past...
SandiR – posted 16 August 2010 12:57 I recently sprayed MSMA on my Empire Zoysia at a rate of 8 tsp per 2-1/2 gallons of water. I’m wondering approximately how long it should take...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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