Category: Weeds

please help me ID these weeds!

michaeldeep – posted 22 March 2011 19:34 i have 3 weeds that i need help identifying. i have a fescue lawn in north carolina. i have had it with these weeds and i need...

ID this weed

pyro – posted 31 May 2011 15:46 it seems to be more prominent in flower beds, however it does pop up every now and again on the edge of the lawn. turfgrass –...

Can Anyone identify this weed?

AustinAl – posted 02 August 2011 16:27 Can anyone identify this weed, growing in my emerald zoyzia lawn? It is a wiry, tough weed which appears to propagate with rhizomes. Stem and roots very...

Baseball Infield

dammit123 – posted 30 August 2011 22:10 Working to save my infield from a large amount of crabgrass. Let me know your thoughts: Hit it with Q4 on 8/23 which has turned a lot...

Crabgrass in St. Augustine

hmaz – posted 01 October 2011 11:29 I live in L.A county and have St Augustine grass, for the last few years I have planted rye grass in late OCT., so when the SA...

best pre emergence herbicide crabgrass

rfhjr – posted 22 February 2012 19:24 Planted some Compadre Zoysia seed last summer and had some crabgrass problems. What is a good pre emergence herbicide for crab grass. I have heard some things...

MSMA on Zoysia for crabgrass

SandiR – posted 16 August 2010 12:57 I recently sprayed MSMA on my Empire Zoysia at a rate of 8 tsp per 2-1/2 gallons of water. I’m wondering approximately how long it should take...