Category: Zoysiagrass



aleicgrant – posted 08 May 2012 21:32 well I have a big bottle of asulux which is not longer applied by lawn companies. It can be combined with another chemical (trying to find out...


Fescue in my JaMUR

leweezo – posted 09 May 2012 17:58 Any ideas on how to get fescue out of zoysia?.. thanksj jugheadfla – posted 22 May 2012 07:20 quote:Originally posted by leweezo:Any ideas on how to get...


l iquid weed n feed

leweezo – posted 15 May 2012 15:45 zAnybody on here used em? What were your results? thanxj debsthegirlnebraska – posted 04 August 2012 05:25 Amen to M. grow- LAWN FOOD – Especially for zoysia-...


Brown dead patches?

Bob48 – posted 15 April 2012 20:18 Can anyone tell me what causes these brown circular dead areas?? [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] seed – posted 15 April 2012 20:26 Bob48, it would be helpful also...


10-10-10 then alfalfa?

leweezo – posted 01 April 2012 19:36 i have a area in my yard that i put 10-10 on a week ago.. Can i now follow it up with alfalfa?it seems to be having...


ortho ground clear

leweezo – posted 02 April 2012 10:31 i am legally blind and cant read the label. i was wondering if someone had this could tell me 2 things1. will it hurt my large oak...


broadleaf spray

leweezo – posted 02 April 2012 16:00 Jamur Zoysia sod is starting to root. How long before I can use a broadleaf spray so i can kill the crap that is coming up in...