To Mow or not tomow..That is the question

leweezo – posted 11 May 2012 11:24

Should I mow these weeds before I spray Broadleaf killer or spray and wait for 2 days to mow?


seed – posted 11 May 2012 16:02

First, read the label, identify the weed(s), and plan the treatment to give maximum exposure of the weed to the chemical.

For a systemic herbicide to work well, a large weed leaf area helps absorb the chemical and increases weed exposure. So, depending on what the label says, usually you don’t mow before treatment, especially if the broadleaf weed is taller than the turfgrass.

Also, don’t mow soon after treatment because (depending on how fast the chemical moves in the weed plant) mowing may remove the chemical and reduce the time the weed is exposed to the chemical. The label will usually say.

If the weed is shaded by the turfgrass, or if the weed is very tall and can’t be properly treated because maybe you are using a traveling boom set to a fixed height (which will cause striping), then it might be better to mow before chemical treatment to increase weed exposure, then give the weed a few days to produce new leaves, and spray.

If you know you have to mow very soon anyway, and this is not the best situation, you might have to mow, wait, and spray.


Weed taller than turf > spray > wait > mowWeed shorter than turf > mow > wait > sprayWeed very tall, lumpy > mow > wait > sprayHave to mow soon > mow > wait > spray

quote:Originally posted by leweezo:Should I mow these weeds before I spray Broadleaf killer or spray and wait for 2 days to mow?


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