Category: Tall fescue


Fescue in GA

bwmaier – posted 10 August 2004 10:48 I am going to overseed a very sparse fescue back yard this fall. The house was new construction a year ago, and the grass the builder installed...


Best Fescue For Kansas City

forrestkc – posted 04 August 2005 20:32 I live in a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri on the Kansas side. My soil is a dark clay loam, heavy but very rich soil (much more...


Kentucky 31

Jimmer – posted 23 September 2001 22:19 Grrrrr…I have been having serious porblems with my lawn. First of all, the Kentucky 31 that I plant tends to DIE! I live in SC where it...


Tall fescue Problem

Marv69ca – posted 21 June 2001 11:27 Hello I live in San Diego Ca and I have recently planted a tall fescue lawn I bought the seed from Home Depot it was called Water...


Fescue Question

bassadict69 – posted 31 May 2005 08:35 No specifics on which type of Fescue, But does this grass spread? How quickly? I planted some in full sun & was wondering what to expect from...


Fescue Lawn Very Patchy

MaryMcP – posted 22 April 2005 06:32 I live in Phoenix. This winter has brought lots of rain which has greened up the yard but there are some large patches of just dirt. What’s...


when to plant fescue

perrietucker – posted 15 December 2003 16:14 When can I plant fescue sod in my backyard. I live in Georgia and I have fescue in my backyard, but some spots have dirt patches where...